Love of foreign languages ​​transcends the geographical distance between Korea and Vietnam

Kim Ga Eun (born in 1997), a 4th year student of the Faculty of French Language and Culture, is one of the typical international students at ULIS-VNU. Born and raised in the “land of kimchi”, Ga Eun is a girl who looks pretty but is very serious, proactive, and hard-working in her studies and work. 

Let’s meet and learn about the tireless efforts of this Korean girl!

Q: Has studying abroad been your dream since you were young?

For me, studying abroad is a big decision in my life, marking an important turning point not only in my academic journey but also in my personal and professional development. This is not only an opportunity to learn and experience a new culture, but also an opportunity to expand my international horizons and develop life skills. However, it cannot be denied that studying abroad has many difficulties that I once feared could not be overcome: Adapting to a completely new environment, from culture, customs to language, especially for foreigners who have never left their families like me.

Q: Please share a little about the path that led you to come and study at ULIS?

Ever since I was a child, I realized I had a strong passion for foreign languages. From a shy, introverted girl who didn’t dare leave her family’s arms, I chose to study abroad to get closer to my dream. When I had the opportunity to exchange at ULIS – a school with the top quality of foreign language teaching in Vietnam, I did not hesitate to try my best and received good news, I was very happy!

Q: Before coming to study in Vietnam, what were you worried about at ULIS?

As I shared, because I am a foreigner coming to study in a completely strange environment, I was very worried about my financial ability, learning ability, and adapting to the living environment and culture. Of my  homesickness, I miss my parents and beloved relatives who are 2,743 km away from me!

Q: Why did you choose the major you are studying at ULIS?

Nowadays, foreign languages ​​have become a bridge and a connecting factor between people. Not only in normal communication, foreign languages ​​also play an important role in work. Knowing and using foreign languages ​​fluently is always the dream of many people, including me. My relationship with French is as romantic as people call it. By chance, one time I saw “Amélie”, I was very impressed and immersed in the brilliant and fascinating fairy tale world. “I want to learn this romantic language.”

Q: What do you feel about the learning conditions and facilities at ULIS?

As a school with a long history of nearly 70 years, ULIS’s reputation has been affirmed through its teaching staff, alumni and certificates of merit awarded by the Party and State. Not only that, the school is also trusted by many international universities to cooperate in training, including our school. With reasonable tuition fees, top lecturers, experts, language researchers and modern, advanced facilities and equipment, I and my other classmates had a wonderful experience. Until now, as a fourth-year student, I am truly grateful to myself for choosing ULIS as my destination. Participating in many activities at school, I extremely appreciate the way ULIS creates conditions for students to develop in many aspects.

Q: How do you feel about Vietnamese people, teachers, and friends at school?

Before coming to Vietnam and studying at ULIS, I was very worried because of the cultural difference. In the early days, I had a very stressful time because I was away from home. And it was the 4 years under the roof of ULIS that eliminated that fear and timidity. I am also extremely grateful to the School for creating favorable conditions in all aspects for international students like me to have a safe environment. A dynamic and healthy school for freedom of creativity and self-development. Thank you to the dynamic and multi-talented students who are also very kind when always supporting me in difficult times.

Q: What are your plans for the near future?

After more than 4 years of studying and working in Hanoi, I really love Hanoi, a crowded “world” during the day, a vibrant “city” at night and a country with a very poetic vibe in the cool Autumn. So I hope to have the opportunity to work and live in this capital city. Regarding the future, I do not limit myself to any framework or plan, I want to give myself the opportunity to explore and experience to the fullest by moving out of my comfort zone every day.