Meeting with Le Hong Phong Political Training School

On May 15th, 2024, ULIS-VNU held a meeting with Le Hong Phong Political Training School to discuss the organization of the opening of an Intermediate Political Theory class at ULIS in 2024.

At the meeting, Mr. Pham Minh Anh – President of Le Hong Phong Political Training School, agreed on the content of the program and tasks related to the organization of the Intermediate Political Theory class deployed at ULIS.

At the meeting, President Nguyen Xuan Long shared about the ULIS staff who registered to participate in the program and expressed his desire for long-term cooperation and attachment with Le Hong Phong Political Training School.

After that, representatives of the parties took turns reporting and sharing related contents such as the implementation and results of the process of completing the application documents, the situation of facilities, service costs, and classroom management, etc.