Meeting with students of the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education who had completed a short-term study tour in Singapore

On January 15th, 2020, ULIS – VNU held a meeting with the group of students who had just completed a short-term study tour in Singapore.

This was the first trip organized under the program which had been signed with partner enterprises to organize courses and internships abroad for students of the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (FELTE). It is expected that the program will be held annually for students of FELTE as well as expanded to other faculties.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Vice Dean of the Faculty said that the trip in Singapore was part of a plan to enhance practical activities and experiences for students as well as deliver on the commitment of helping students of the fast-track program to have experiences in foreign countries.

President Do Tuan Minh said that the University always created opportunities for all students to experience at least once abroad while studying at ULIS.

At the meeting, the students also shared their experience during their 8-day study tour (from December 27th to January 12th).

The next trip is expected to be held in February, 2020.