Meiji University – Exchange Student Program 2019

Dear Partners,

Greetings from Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.

This is the information on 2019 academic year (April 2019-March 2020) exchange student program.

  1. Duration of study abroad at Meiji and application period

(1) 2019 Spring semester (April, 2019- )

*Duration of study abroad at Meiji (excluding arrival dates, orientations.) Subject to change.

April 2019 – July 2019 (one semester only)

April 2019 – February 2020 (one year)

*Online application: August 21 – September 27, 2018

*Send application materials via courier to Meiji: August 21 – October 11, 2018

All applicants for 2019 spring semester are required to complete the online application by September 27. To complete the application, application materials must be sent via courier to Meiji by October 11 after the online application. Also, please send the COE application form as an Excel document to

(2) 2019 Fall semester (September, 2019- )

*Duration of study abroad at Meiji (excluding arrival dates, orientations). Subject to change.

September 2019 – February 2020 (one semester only)

September 2019 – July 2020 (one year)

*Online application: January 15 – February 21, 2019

*Send application materials via courier to Meiji: January 15 – March 7, 2019

All applicants for 2019 fall semester are required to complete the online application by February 21. To complete the application, application materials must be sent via courier to Meiji by March 7 after the online application. Also, please send the COE application form as an Excel document to

(3) Notes

NO application is accepted after the deadline.

Duration of study abroad at Meiji (one semester or one year) and preferred school must be decided before applying for the program. They cannot be changed after the online application.

  1. Please refer to the link below for details regarding application.

(1) Application Guidelines (link of online application, deadlines, application materials and language requirements etc.)

(2) Fact Sheet (course list, syllabus, housing, academic calendar and Japanese language classes etc.)

(3) Download the standard forms for the application

(4) Certificate of Health (standard form)

Certificate of Health must be submitted as part of application materials and completed by a doctor.

Download the standard form of Certificate of Health (#7)

  1. Applicants who wish to study at schools which offer academic classes in English

The score of TOEFL, IELTS that they took in September 2016 or later is valid for the application. Applicants are required to take the test BEFORE application. Copy of the official score MUST be prepared to upload to the online application.

To avoid disappointment, please be mindful and ensure that your nominated students meet the language requirements. For the requirements of each school, please refer to page 7 of Application Guidelines.

  1. Meiji University Japanese Language Online Test

(Only for applicants who wish to study at schools which offer academic classes in Japanese. Applicants to English track are NOT required to take the online test.)

Applicants to schools which offer academic classes in Japanese and cannot submit a valid JLPT certificate are requested to take Meiji University Japanese Language Online Test. Meiji University will send the information about the test to exchange student program coordinator as soon as the online application is received.

Please note that the JLPT certificates that are valid for application are any of the followings;

(1)N1: passed before

(2)N2, N3 or N4: passed in either 2017 or 2018

< Meiji University Japanese Language Online Test dates>

Applicants for 2019 Spring semester: August 21 – October 4, 2018

Applicants for 2019 Fall semester: January 15 – February 28, 2019

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

If you are not the right person, it would be appreciated if you could forward this email to the appropriate individual.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,



交換留学 御担当者様




1. 2019年度受入の留学期間と申込期間は下記のとおりです。


















2. 応募の詳細について,下記のURLよりご確認ください。

(1) 募集要項(オンライン志願票のURL,締切り,応募書類,語学条件などについて)



(2) Fact Sheet(授業科目リスト,シラバス,宿舎,学年暦,日本語語学授業などについて)



(3) 応募書類に必要な明治大学所定書式のダウンロード

(4) 健康診断書(所定書式)



  1. 英語で専門科目を履修できる学部・研究科への留学を希望する場合

2016年9月以降に受験したTOEFL, IELTSの結果が有効です。出願の前に,テストを受験しておく必要があります。公式スコアレポートは,オンライン志願票に添付できるよう,あらかじめご準備ください。


4. 明治大学日本語オンラインテスト(日本語で専門科目を履修できる学部・研究科への留学を希望する方のみ)




(2)N2,N3,N4: 2017年度または2018年度に受験し,合格した認定書

<明治大学日本語オンラインテスト 受験期間>

2019年度春学期志願者: 2018年8月21日-10月4日

2019年度秋学期志願者: 2019年1月15日- 2月28日




Inbound Student Exchange,

International Student Office, Meiji University

1-1 Kandasurugadai,Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo Japan 101-8301


Tel: 81-3-3296-4488

Fax: 81-3-3296-4360

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