Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Arab Republic of Egypt gifted books to University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS)

On June 14th, 2017, University of Languages and International Studies- Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS_VNU) had a meeting with Mr. Youssef K.Hanna, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Vietnam.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Do Tuan Minh – ULIS’s President, Dr. Do Minh Hoang- Director of Cooperation and Development Office, Ms Le Thi Khuyen- Vice- Dean of Faculty of Arabic Language And Culture
With a view to making contributions to the development of Arabic Education in Viet Nam in general and at ULIS in particular, the Ministry of Culture of Arab Republic of Egypt gifted ULIS about 80 books, including numerous valuable publications in many areas such as dictionaries, novels, poems, textbooks to calligraphy works. The Ministry of Cultural Affairs has assigned the Embassy of Arab Egypt in Vietnam to gift ULIS these publications.

In the meeting, Mr. Youssef K.Hanna, on behalf of Embassy and Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Egypt, gifted ULIS these books. President Do Tuan Minh on behalf of the University received the gift and offered a bunch of flowers to the Ambassador and the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Arab Republic of Egypt.

The two sides also discussed the cooperation opportunities in the future in terms of training and education. Mr. Do Tuan Minh hoped the Ambassador to continue to support the Arabic Education at the ULIS.
Mr. Youssef K.Hanna extended his thanks to the trust of the University and also hoped that these books could be useful for ULIS’s lecturers as well as students in their study and research.
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