More than 140 people attended English symposium “EdCamp Vietnam 2018”

In the hope of creating more opportunities for knowledge exchange and professional development for its teachers, on April 21st, 2018, the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education (FELTE) (University of Languages and International Studies –Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS – VNU)) collaborated with English Language Programs of the United States Embassy in Vietnam to organize an English symposium “EdCamp Vietnam 2018” at ULIS’s Sunwah Building.

EdCamp is an innovative and creative community activity aimed at opening up professional development opportunities which were created by participants themselves. The symposium was not only a place to share knowledge but also an occasion for participants to meet and connect with one another in order to build up a future career development network.

On behalf of the University, Assoc. Prof-Dr. Lam Quang Dong – Director of Science and Technology Office, Former Dean of FELTE, extended his warmest welcome to the delegates and expected that lecturers will improve their skills and effectively apply what they learned from this symposium to their teaching activities. On behalf of the U.S Embassy in Vietnam, Ms. Diana asserted that this was a great opportunity for the lecturers to share hardships and success in their own teaching methods as well as discuss with their colleagues.

Flying higher with the success of “Edcamp Vietnam 2017”, this symposium witnessed the participation of more than 140 teachers and lecturers from all over the country. This special event recognized the contributions of keynote speakers, Dr. Ramin Yazdanpanah, Dr. Hoang Thi Hanh, Ms. Tran Thi Thu Trang, Ms. Veronica Moermond and Ms. Jeanie Cook.

The “Edcamp Vietnam 2018” comprised plenary sessions and group discussions. Attendees of the event had opportunities to share their ideas about what they wanted to learn and exchange. They could also discuss many topics of English teaching skills such as critical thinking method application: Examples from EFL classes, the development of thinking in language learning environment; students’ improved study results and effective writing teaching methods. Group discussions under the supervision of experienced experts were actively engaged by all participants with interesting contributions.

After a working day, the “EdCamp Vietnam 2018” officially ended with positive feedback from attendees. Professional development through sharing experiences and discussing with other educational experts to improve the efficiency in teaching skills was brought to participants thanks to this symposium.

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