ULIS signed the cooperation on Spanish language and culture education with GEC organization

On April 17th, 2018, the University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS – VNU) organized the signing ceremony of cooperation agreement with GEC organization (Gestión Educativa Consultores S.L)

The ceremony was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Minh Thuy, ULIS’s Vice President, Dr. Do Minh Hoang, Director of Cooperation & Development Office, and M.A. Nguyen Thuy Lan, Vice Director of Academic Affairs Office. From GEC organization, Mr. Juan Carlos Izquierdo Villaverde – Chairman of GEC organization and Mr.Leonardo Ripa Rodriguez – Manager of GEC organization in Vietnam took part in the event.

At the ceremony, representatives of the two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Spanish language and culture education at ULIS – VNU. This cooperation activity was developed based on the mutual desire of the two sides to promote and disseminate the Spanish language in Vietnam. The Spanish curriculum is designed to be an optional subject as the second language for undergraduates and a one-year Spanish language training program for ULIS’s lecturers and staff. Students are facilitated to attend summer courses, study programs and exchange programs at Madrid’s Complutense University. The cooperation program is valid from 2018 to 2021.

Addressing at the signing ceremony, Vice President Thuy extended her thanks to GEC organization for its support in the development of Spanish language teaching at ULIS. As a school specializing in foreign language teaching, ULIS really wants to introduce and promote many languages and cultures in the world, especially ones which are increasingly popular with Vietnamese people such as Spanish.

Mr. Juan Carlos Izquierdo Villaverde and Mr. Leonardo Ripa Rodriguez also expressed their pleasure to have an opportunity to accompany ULIS in teaching Spanish and pledged to thoroughly support this activity.

The signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between ULIS and GEC organization on Spanish language and culture education successfully came to an end, setting the initial foundation for the relationship between the two sides as well as the Spanish language teaching at ULIS.