ULIS promotes the cooperation with Konstanz University

On June 8th, 2017, the University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS-VNU) held a meeting with representatives of the University of Konstanz (Federal Republic of Germany) on the cooperation between the two universities.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Do Minh Hoang – Director of Cooperation and Development Office & M.A Nguyen Thuy Lan – Deputy Head of Department of Academic Affairs, Dr. Le Hoai An – Dean of the Faculty of German Language & Culture. Representatives from the University of Konstanz were Mr. Klemms Blass – Head of Department of International Relations and Ms. Gabriele Thelen – Dean of Faculty of Business, Cultural Studies and Law.
Founded in 1966, Konstanz University is the leading research and teaching center of Germany and famous not only in Germany but also in the world. The university has researches of highest quality, state-of-the-art facilities, top teaching quality and academic achievement in Germany and provides a large number of great exchange programs for home and international students.

In the recent years, ULIS and the University of Konstanz have signed and successfully implemented the exchange agreement for ULIS students to study in Germany. At this meeting, representatives of the two universities have exchanged information about future cooperation potentials such as cooperative training in economics, management…
Representatives from the two universities agreed to promote and strengthen the cooperation relationship and actively implement other cooperation opportunities in the future.

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