The University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS – VNU) actively promote the cooperation with Feng Chia University (FCU)

On May 4th, 2017, ULIS-VNU held the meeting and worked together with representatives of Feng Chia University (Chinese Taipei)
The meeting was attended by Dr. Do Tuan Minh – ULIS’s President, Dr. Do Minh Hoang – Director of Cooperation and Development Office, Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Quynh – Director of Center for Language Testing and Assessment, Dr. Hoa Ngoc Son – Dean of Faculty of Language Education and Professional Development, Dr. Pham Minh Tien – Dean of Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture (FCLC) and Dr. Lai Thi Phuong Thao- the Vice Principal of Foreign Language Specialized School (FLSS).

From FCU, Dr. Chuang Chien Chiu, FCU’s Vice President, Dr. Pei Liu – Director of Department of International Cooperation and its staff took part in the meeting.
FCU was founded in 1961 and is one of the most prestigious universities in Chinese Taipei. The university has about 21,000 students with more than 1,500 overseas ones. This is a multi-disciplinary university with many member universities.
In the meeting, representatives from the two universities discussed the cooperation potential in the upcoming time in many aspects such as student exchange, academic exchange, language class organization, summer camp programs and scientific research.
On behalf of ULIS’s Gorvening Board, Dr. Do Tuan Minh confirmed that ULIS expected to cooperate with FCU in an intensive and extensive manner. Mr. Chuang Chien Chiu also agreed with this expectation and promised to make a greater effort to help this relationship become more insightful in the future

After that, the delegation of FCU made interviews with 13 students of FLSS. Qualified students will be given scholarships and facilitated to study in Taichung, Chinese Taipei.
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