Opening ceremony of in-service course in Chinese Language, cohort QH.2024

On May 20th, 2024, ULIS-VNU held the opening ceremony of the in-service course in Chinese language, cohort QH.2024.

Delivering his speech at the opening ceremony, Vice President Hoa Ngoc Son extended his congratulations to 43 students of the course and pledged that ULIS would accompany the students along the course.

After that, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hien – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture introduced the training curriculum.

Dr. Tran Kieu Hue represented 43 students to express their feelings before they started the course.

At the end of the opening ceremony, students elected a monitor as well as learned about regulations of the class.

Immediately after that, the students started the first lesson of Chinese 1A through the lecture of Dr. Nguyen Dai Co Viet.