Review of three years’ operation of ULIS Alumni Network

On May 25th, 2024, ULIS-VNU held a conference reviewing the first three years’ operation of ULIS Alumni Network and discussing its future directions.

The review report attracted the audience with its video format showing the Network’s journey since its first Congress in 2021.

In the period 2024-2026, the Network continues to set the goal of gathering and mobilizing many generations of alumni working and living at home and abroad to promote the spirit of solidarity, support and mutual assistance in study, work and life. This was consolidated with commitments by Chairman of ULIS ALUMNI Network Nguyen Lan Trung.

During the program, ULIS alumni added various emotional stories and memories, and valuable suggestions for the Network’s future directions.

The conference was also an opportunity for ULIS ​​to honor outstanding alumni. The University representative presented letters of thanks and medals to those with meritorious contributions to ULIS ALUMNI Network. Alumni representatives also presented gifts to the University and the Network Executive Committee.

Delivering his speech at the Conference, Chairman of ULIS Council Do Tuan Minh pledged that the University would accompany the Network in every activity.

Also within the framework of the event, friendly football activities and cultural exchanges took place between former students and staff and students.