The festival “Cultural Colors” – Couleurs Culturelles 2025

On March 16th, 2025, Faculty of French Language and Culture held the festival “Cultural Colors” – Couleurs Culturelles 2025.  This event was annually held in the framework of International Day of French (20/3) to honor French, explore and learn about French Community together, which responds to the theme “Je me’esduque, donc j’agis” (“I learn, I act”) according to OIF (Organisation International de la Francophonie)’s proposals.

Opening the festival, Vice President Lam Quang Dong emphasized the importance of honoring French and the diversity in the French Community, especially in the framework of the 70th anniversary of ULIS-VNU. Assoc. Dr. Lam Quang Dong affirmed that this event was to review the achievements of French training quality, and spread French language and culture to the public.

Delivering his speech at the festival, Head of Wallonie-Bruxelles delegation at Vietnam Pierre Du Ville affirmed the importance of promoting cooperation among countries in the French Community. He also expressed his hope that the Vietnamese young generation in particular and the young generation in the French Community in general would continue to pursue French because it would open novel opportunities in the globalization era

French Ambassador to Vietnam Arnaud Pannier made an impassioned speech about the role of French in advancing knowledge and opportunity. He shared that French was not only learning, but it is also about thinking, approaches to problems and communication in the intercultural world.

Beside being awarded the competition “ Exploring the French Community: My journey diary”, guests, students and other participants also enjoyed outdoor activities in French … such as “French Culinary” competition, musical performance, traditional games,…