The Final – Northern showdown of the English Olympiad 2018

After an intense competition, People’s Security Academy, Military Science Academy, and People’s Police Academy advanced to the National Final round.

On October 29th, 2018, The Final – Northern showdown of the English Olympiad 2018 took place at ULIS-VNU to find out the best teams of the region to advance to the National Final round.

Being part of the National Foreign Languages Project, the competition is organized for Vietnamese students at universities, academies, and colleges all over the country who are learning English as their main major.

The Final was attended by representatives of units which had contestants taking part in the competition and the teams themselves.

Delivering his remark at the Regional Final, Vice President Lam Quang Dong, Head of the organizing Committee extended his congratulations towards all the teams advanced to this stage.

He observed that this competition is not only a chance for sharing knowledge and learning from each other but also an opportunity for the contestants to showcase their talents and wisdom.

 After marking 6 video clips of all the contestants along with the voting results in fan page of the competition, the final result was as followings:

First place: People’s Security Academy.

Second place: Military Science Academy.

Third place: People’s Police Academy.

Encouragement prize: Thuongmai University and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam.

Later, another marking round took place to choose subsequently the People’s Security Academy, the Military Science Academy, and the People’s Police Academy to advance to the National Final round.

Some photos of the competition:

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