Seeking cooperation opportunities with top universities in Taiwan

ULIS-VNU is chosen as an ideal destination for Taiwanese universities upon the Taiwanese Government’s issuance of its “Southward Policy”.

On October 29th, 2018, ULIS-VNU had a meeting with delegation of the Taiwan Strategic Alliance for Colleges of Education and Humanity to seek cooperation opportunities.

The meeting was attended by Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy, Head of the Cooperation and Development Office Do Minh Hoang, Dean of the Chinese Language and Culture Pham Minh Tien, and Director of the Center of Language Education Research, Linguistics and International Studies Nguyen Ngoc Anh.

From the Taiwan Strategic Alliance for Colleges of Education and Humanity side, there were presences of professors, doctors who are President, Deans, and elite lecturers from 6 following universities: National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Chengchi University, Nationals Tsing Hua University, and National Cheng Kung University.

Sharing some brief information of the 6 Taiwanese universities, Prof. Wu Cheng Chih, President of the National Taiwan Normal University said: “After a long time of cooperation with Western countries’ universities, the 6 universities have now changed the course to the South as a result of the issuance of the new policy. I always see South-East Asia, especially Vietnam as good neighbors, good friends.”

Later, all representatives from the 6 universities shared information of their institutions and hoped to cooperate with ULIS in many potential education aspects.

Delivering her speech at the meeting, Vice President Ngo Minh Thuy extended her warm welcome and thanks towards the delegation for having chosen ULIS as a destination to expand cooperation activities in Vietnam in accordance with the “Southward” policy.

She looked forwards to the future cooperation with the 6 universities in exchanging students and teachers, organizing short-term and long-term training programs, hosting bilateral conferences, and so on.

Further discussions will take place in the upcoming time to result good agreements between all parties.

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