Training examiners with VSTEP.3-5 and VSTEP.2 formats according to the tasks of the National Foreign Languages Project

In July and August, the University of Languages and International Studies – Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS – VNU) organized training courses for examiners following the format of the Vietnam Standardized Test of English Proficiency (VSTEP), six levels for Vietnam in accordance with the tasks of the National Foreign Language Project.

There were courses, namely: Speaking examiners training course with the format of VSTEP.3-5, speaking examiners training course with the format of VSTEP.2 and writing examiners training course with the format of VSTEP.2.

Each course has about 40 students from universities such as ULIS – VNU, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi University, Thai Nguyen University, Tay Bac University, Hanoi Metropolitan University, Hong Duc University, Vinh University and Hai Phong University.

These courses are designed to improve the ability to test and assess English writing and speaking skills withthe 6-level language skill framework for Vietnamese. In the courses, participants will be equipped with knowledge of basic concepts, approaches and theories in English writing/speaking; knowledge of the 6-level language skill framework in writing/speaking for Vietnamese; knowledge of test formats and the English writing/speaking skills assessment process in VSTEP.2/VSTEP.3-5; knowledge of English writing skill assessment criteria, English writing skill assessment scoring process in VSTEP.2/VSTEP.3-5.

In addition, the course helps learners develop the ethics, sense of responsibility and professional behaviors of the people who test and evaluate the English language proficiency of English language users in Vietnam.
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