On March 31, 2017, Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc signed Decision No. 391/QĐ-TTg on the Regulation on organization and operation of VNU Vietnam – Japan University (VJU). The regulation, comprising 6 chapters and 28 articles, took effect on March 31, 2017.


Established with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1186/QĐ-TTg dated July 21, 2014, Vietnam-Japan University, headquartered in Hanoi, is a public higher education institution under Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Appointed by VNU President at the joint request of VNU and Japan authorized representative, VNU VJU’s Council comprises twenty members, equally shared by the two sides.

VNU VJU is expected to be an Asia’s leading interdisciplinary university focusing on high quality human resources training and producing advanced science and technology products.

VNU VJU offers high quality undergraduate and graduate training programs; conducts research and receives technology transfer in Japan’s highly competitive fields to meet Vietnam’s needs; and promotes cooperation in culture and education exchange between Vietnam and Japan.

VNU VJU’s organizational structure consists of VJU Council; Board of Rectors; Science and Academics Council; Advisory Boards; Functional Departments; Faculties and institutes; Centre for Science and Technology Research; Affiliates; Representative offices both inside and outside Vietnam;  Academics and R&D Promotion Office; Science and Technology Park; Journal of Science; and Social affairs bodies.


 Sinh Vu – Giang Bui – VNU Media

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