Sharing experience on developing and using digital learning materials on MS. Office 365 and its effective application in blended training

On October 14th, 2021, ULIS-VNU held a seminar on “Sharing experience on developing and using digital learning materials on MS. Office 365 and its effective application in blended training.”

Delivering her speech at the seminar, Vice President Ha Le Kim Anh said that ULIS organizes this seminar to share experience, so that teachers can learn to develop digital learning materials on MS. Office 365, meeting the current trend of blended learning.

During the seminar, the delegates were provided with 6 reports based on the actual situation and experience of developing numerical course materials on MS. Office 365. The effective application of digital learning materials in blended training is valuable sharing with teachers.

Also, in the discussion session. Many questions, professional exchanges, and comments were raised showing the determination towards the best and most effective implementation of digital learning materials construction and teaching at ULIS.

Seminar “Sharing experiences on developing and using digital learning materials on MS. Office 365 and its effective application in blended training” attracted more than 130 participants.