Fast-track program’s students are excited about the Project on the improvement of reading culture

The E-Learning system and the Project on the improvement of reading culture are opportunities for students to develop necessary skills.

On October 17th, 2018, ULIS-VNU held a conference under the topic “The introduction of E-Learning system, Learning Recourses, and Project on the improvement of reading culture amongst ULIS’s students”. The conference was led by speaker Khoa Anh Viet, Director of the Center for Information and Technology, Communication and Learning Resources and speaker Nguyen Duc Ta, Expert at the Center.

The conference was attended by Vice President Nguyen Xuan Long, Deputy Head of the Academic Affairs Office, lecturers, and over 300 first year students from Chinese, Korean, and Japanese classes of the Fast-track program.

Delivering his speech at the Conference, Vice President expected the students of Fast-track program would cooperate with the University in their own favor. He reaffirmed that The University had promised and was committed to provide Fast-track program with special education and service.

What was delivered by the speakers?

Speaker Khoa Anh Viet said: “E-learning system consists of a wide range of online courses and lectures. Those resourses will be kept available at all time to make sure students are stayed connected.”

He added: “This is an opportunity which the University provides you all. We look forward to seeing you guys seizing it”.

Later, speaker Nguyen Duc Ta directed the students to be aware of how to use the learning resourses properly and showed them the library’s regulation, discipline, and operation time.

Particularly, the speaker kept the students informed of the Project on the improvement of reading culture amongst ULIS’s students.

The Project consists of various activities, one of which is the Book review contest. This contest attracted an awful lot of attention from the students.

The contest is expected to provide students with an academic and entertaining environment whereby students will have chances to showcase their writing talents and better their knowledge on foreign technical languages.

There will be awards and presents for students getting involved.

A tour of Library and Studio was also taken place for the students at the end of the conference.

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