Inspirational educator training sessions for ULIS lecturers

On June 16th – 17th, 2020, ULIS – VNU organized an “Inspirational educator training session” for more than 50 ULIS lecturers. 

This is the first “Inspirational Educator training session” for ULIS lecturers. In June and July, ULIS will organize 3 similar training courses for teachers of the whole school with the support from teachers in this first session.

Delivering his speech at the opening ceremony, President Do Tuan Minh hoped all ULIS teachers would become educators who inspire and help students learn to ‘sympathize’. These training sessions will help spread the positive spirit to create a happy school.

In the program, teachers were involved in many activities to innovate their awareness, skills, self-discovery and networking. Each activity is designed with clear goals and specific requirements that are fun and meaningful for teachers to participate.