Seminar on foreign language teacher training to adapt to competency framework of foreign language teachers in new context

On July 30th, 2021, ULIS-VNU held an online seminar under the topic “Foreign language teacher training to adapt to the competency framework of foreign language teachers in the new context”. 

The seminar is part of the University’s development plan for the period 2021-2025, which is also an activity of the ULIS CONNECT Network, in order to create a forum for lecturers and others to meet and discuss foreign language teacher training issues in the current period.

Delivering her speech at the seminar, Vice President Ha Le Kim Anh said that the seminar was organized to introduce the activities which the University had been implementing related to foreign language teacher training as well as hoping to receive contributions and exchange ideas with lecturers and other interested people.

In the seminar, 3 presentations were delivered to nearly 600 participants.

The seminar attracted nearly 600 participants.