Staff training in writing scientific documents and journals

On August 3rd – 4th, 2022, ULIS-VNU incorporated with CREFAP to organize a training session for staff of the Faculty of French Language & Culture.

The training program is to increase the professionality for researching, especially writing articles for international journals. This program was also an activity to prepare for the international seminar about Teaching – Studying French language and culture as well as the upcoming 60-year anniversary of the Faculty of French Language & Culture.

On August 3rd, Mr. Pham Duc Su, the speaker of the event, shared distinctive features of documents in general, scientific documents and common mistakes while writing scientific documents in particular. He also shared his opinions about some articles posted in conference yearbook. Delegates were divided into groups to fix problems and errors, rewrite parts of some articles. Additionally, suggestions and discussions were brought out about exchanges among French linguists.

On August 4th, Vice President Lam Quang Dong talked about the way to select a suitable journal, the process of posting, the content that is appropriate to readers, especially some notes while writing the articles.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Van Anh instructed about the way to write quotes as well as references in  research articles.

The training session produced positive results and feedbacks.