The 3rd International Scientific Conference on Chinese Language Teaching in the Chinese cultural area

On December 7th & 8th, 2018, the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture, ULIS-VNU co-hosted the 3rd International Scientific Conference on “Teaching Chinese Language in Chinese Cultural area” with funding from Sunwah Foundation and Hanban Chinese Foundation.

Attending the conference were Ms. Doan Hai Hong, Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Vietnam; Professor Xin Shi Chang, President of the Chinese Language Teaching Association; Ms. Nguyen Thi Nha, Senior Advisor of Sunwah Group in Vietnam; Mr. Vo Hanh Phuc, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Education and Training; Professor Nguyen Van Khang, Editor in Chief of Life Language Magazine; Representatives of central agencies, departments, and press agencies.

From the ULIS side, Vice President Lam Quang Dong; representatives of leaders of units; leaders of the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture took part in the conference. The conference also attracted a great number of experts, scholars, researchers, teachers and students from domestic and international universities.

Delivering his remark at the conference, Vice President Lam Quang Dong said that under the topic ‘Teaching Chinese Language in association with the development of culture and language in the Chinese Cultural Area’, the conference conveyed the message: ‘Researching, inheriting, and promoting the culture and language are the the best solution to create a solid foundation for a sustainable integration’.

The conference this year received 132 enthusiastic and thorough articles of 150 delegates from 8 countries and territories around the world.

The organizers have selected, edited the best articles and featured them in the yearbook. This is a good reference for readers who want to learn about history as well as the development of Chinese as a foreign language is widely used in the region.

Speaking at the conference, Professor Xin Shi Chang asserts that the articles and studies delivered in the conference have direct values to national-style teaching and also help to promote exchanges among Chinese language teachers in the area.

Some other photos of the conference:

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