ULIS welcomed and worked with the Rector of Marinduque State University

On May 11, 2017, University of Languages and International Studies- Vietnam National University had a meeting with Dr. Merian Catajay-Mani – Rector of Marinduque State University (Philippines) for cooperation between two universities.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Do Tuan Minh – President of ULIS, Dr. Do Minh Hoang – Director of Cooperation & Development Office, Dr. Vu Hai Ha – Dean of Faculty of English Language Teachers Education.
Marinduque State College (MSC) is a regional college with many member institutions offering multi-disciplinary education in the fields of education, humanities, technology, engineering, law, medicine, agriculture, forestry, fishery, IT and economics.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed the possibilities of cooperation in various fields, thereby agreeing to cooperate in activities such as student exchanges, exchange of English language teachers, organizing short courses of Vietnamese experience for MSC students, organizing ULIS students coming to MSC to practice English communication and teaching Vietnamese.

Dr. Do Tuan Minh and Ms. Merian Catajay-Mani both agreed that the two schools should be active in implementing cooperative practical activities.
The meeting ended in intimate atmosphere, opens up many opportunities for cooperation between the two sides in the future. Two schools will sign the memorandum and carry out specific co-operation activities in the coming time.
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