UNC 2022’s Main day organized

On April 24th, 2022, ULIS-VNU organized UNC 2022’s main day. This is an annual activity of the University.

Delivering his speech at the opening of the conference, Vice President Lam Quang Dong said “The rich contents and topics that the delegates read, listened to and exchanged on the main day are expected to provide useful knowledge, experiences, passion and excitement for all participants, and show the spirit of UNC2022, which is “Integration – Connection – Inspiration””.

3 papers were presented at the plenary session.

In addition to the plenary session, the delegates had the opportunity to participate in 33 parallel sessions, listened to and exchanged about more than 400 selected papers.

Each paper brings to the conference special research findings, new perspectives, experiences, enthusiasm and even new research concepts, thereby directly or indirectly promoting the development of foreign language teaching, linguistics and international studies in Vietnam.

The conference ended after exciting working sessions with the online and offline participation of over 5,000 people.